National Science Foundation
Research Experience for Undergraduates Site Program:
Program In Climate and Space Science Observation (PICASSO) I have the great fortune of being the Site Director for a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program within the University of Michigan’s Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering Department. Thus far, we have welcomed six cohorts of students into the Program in Climate and Space Science Observation (PICASSO) during the summers of 2018-2023. We look forward to a new cohort of scholars this summer! These PICASSO Scholars spend ten weeks performing a wide range of climate and space science research. In addition to their research, these students participate in a series of professional development workshops regarding topics such as ethical research conduct, technical communication, Python programming, imposter syndrome/stereotype threat, among many other topics. While on campus, our participants are able to participate in summer festivals within the city, and then gave back to community through a range of service opportunities, such as Food Gatherers in Ann Arbor and many others.

2023 PICASSO Scholars: Standing (l to r): Neri Schizas (Interamerican University), Joshua Crain (California Polytechnic State University), Sigfrido Cabrera (Interamerican University), Kyle Dailey (University of Delaware), and Connor Seto (Harvey Mudd College); Kneeling (l to r): Samuel Wingert (University of Wisconsin), Caleigh Schmidt (St. Olaf College), Ana Castaneda Montoya (University of Texas), Madelyn Noll (Wooster College), and Natalie Joy Burton (Scripps College).
You can learn more about the projects that our 2018-2023 PICASSO Scholars have worked on here.